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< * [[CategoryNeedsTesting|Games needing playtesting]] -- Games that are labeled in need of testing and further refinement


> * CategoryNeedsTesting -- Games that are labeled in need of testing and further refinement

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Feel free to add your own content to this wiki. Anything related to piecepacks is fair game, including new games!

  1. You edit a page by clicking Edit this page at the bottom.
  2. Add or delete text by typing or mousing in the big text field.
  3. You can add a new page by visiting SandBox and adding the name of your new page in "camel case" (mixed upper and lower case letters) KindOfLikeThis.
  4. Click your new page's name, whatever it is, and the wiki will display your new page with an empty text field to type in.
  5. You can see how to add links and format your text by clicking Edit this page on a page you like and studying the contents of the text field. (You can also read the pages below.)
  6. If you're adding a new game, please copy the information on the GameTemplate page before you add anything else.

Here are some pages to help you get started.

Please start pages for new games by copying the text from GameTemplate.