3 Comments on PiecepackDiceCardsTwo
### 3 Comments. ### 1) It would be nice to rename the file ending in a ".pdf" 2) A minor suggestion for . . .
2K - last updated 2018-09-06 17:44 UTC by TrevorLDavis
15 Comments on PiecepackExpansions
### 15 Comments. ### I'm considering rewriting this page but would like to check first if people agree . . . to be game systems in their own right (arguably PiecepackDiceCards or PiecepackPyramids). -- TrevorLDavis . . . Euchre]] to play with PiecepackDiceCards (version two allows even more games . . .
17K - last updated 2020-02-18 01:33 UTC by TrevorLDavis
The Mystique Deck is a "three-dimensional" deck of cards with three colors of four suits in five ranks . . . and play deck of piecepack cards (created here: PiecepackDiceCardsTwo) that were even better suited . . . could be done by simply expanding the existing PiecepackDiceCards so that every suit came in every . . .
2K - last updated 2018-04-03 16:27 UTC by DanielAjoy
= Piecepack Dice Cards = **Download PiecepackDiceCardsPdf** Proposed by ["John Braley"] in January 2004 . . . Tim and Ron released version 2 of the cards (see PiecepackDiceCardsTwo). Piecepack dice cards and PiecepackPaperDice . . . all four suits. You can download them here: PiecepackDiceCardsPdf Of course, if you are not already . . .
6K - last updated 2018-03-25 03:53 UTC by RonHaleEvans
111K - last updated 2018-02-25 21:09 UTC by RonHaleEvans
== Piecepack Dice Cards 2.0 == **Download ["PiecepackDiceCardsTwo.pdf"]** Designed in March 2018 by ["Tim . . . kibitzing by RonHaleEvans, version 2.0 of the PiecepackDiceCards has a few piecepack-specific refinements . . .
2K - last updated 2018-10-19 19:32 UTC by RonHaleEvans
203K - last updated 2018-09-06 03:13 UTC by RonHaleEvans
199K - last updated 2018-03-25 03:41 UTC by RonHaleEvans
= Piecepack Expansions = A piecepack can be expanded in many ways. Different designers have * changed . . . 6 ranks/lengths per 4 suits (= 144 pieces) * **[[PiecepackDiceCards|Piecepack dice cards]]**: playing . . .
5K - last updated 2020-02-18 01:28 UTC by TrevorLDavis
= Piecepack Paper Dice = Piecepack Paper Dice are essentially a "low-tech" version of PiecepackDiceCards, . . .
2K - last updated 2010-02-08 16:20 UTC by RonHaleEvans
[[image/class:https://www.trevorldavis.com/share/piecepack/desfases.gif|Game of Desfases|https://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/Desfases|Animation . . . heading [[ClimbingManRules]] HowToUploadFiles PiecepackDiceCards TenBlankWhitePieceagories MixedSuitsExpansion . . .
2K - last updated 2023-05-14 14:54 UTC by JacobSP
Tim Schutz
= Tim Schutz = A tall indie game designer who lives in the Pacific Northwest and takes care of critters . . . * CrocodileHop * IceFloe * LiquidCrystals * PiecepackDiceCards * PiecepackPyramids * SorcerersChamber . . .
1K - last updated 2021-05-07 03:41 UTC by TrevorLDavis
== Preface == **A new version of the piecepack module and a TON of new extensions has been released! . . . welcome. === Ideas for future extensions === * PiecepackDiceCards * PiecepackPaperDice [Done] {OK} . . .
16K - last updated 2013-06-25 02:11 UTC by nupanick
Where No One Has Gamed Before
== Community Piecepack Competition 8: Where No One Has Gamed Before == === Winners === [[Where No One . . . * PiecepackCompanionDeck by danielharward * PiecepackDiceCardsTwo by [[Tim Schutz]] and RonHaleEvans . . .
6K - last updated 2018-10-09 04:00 UTC by RonHaleEvans
Where No One Has Gamed Before Playtest Page
I'd like to quote Joseph Propati, who said this about the 2018 9-Card Nanogame Print and Play Design . . . === Expansion/Accessories === * DualPiecepacks * PiecepackDiceCardsTwo (noncompeting) * MixedSuitsExpansion . . .
2K - last updated 2018-06-30 22:19 UTC by RonHaleEvans
Where No One Has Gamed Before Results
This is RonHaleEvans, judge of the eighth community piecepack game design contest, [[Where No One Has . . . Bronze. == [[https://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/PiecepackDiceCardsTwo Piecepack Dice Cards 2]] by Tim . . .
23K - last updated 2020-12-26 07:41 UTC by TrevorLDavis
16 pages found.