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Summary: Update Games page
> | ["HostileTakeover"] | AvarisClari | one piecepack, four d12's, 50 smaller tokens and 25 larger tokens in five colors |
> | ["Lukawan"] | RobertIevers | one standard piecepack |
> | ["Quikopoly"] | Jacob Steinberger-Parkes | one standard piecepack |
> | ["StraToGo"] | Jacob Steinberger-Parkes | one standard piecepack |
Note: This page is computer-generated from individual game metadata and manually uploaded to the wiki. Please let me know of any errors or if outdated and I'll take a look. --TrevorLDavis
For a complete list of games on the wiki, check the CategoryGame page. The GamesStatistics spreadsheet with all the games makes it easy to get various statistics on the games.
The below are the games that have a description page on this Wiki. To keep up with the latest games, see NewGames. For curated lists of good games to play, see Competitions, RecommendedGames, GamersDozen, FreeCulcha, and The Infinite Board Game. You can also view lists of games sorted by
Also see games sorted by License.
For a categorised list of piecepack games see TaxonomyOfPiecepackGames.
For a list of abstract games that you can play with a piecepack see GenericAbstracts.
Games | Designer / Adapter | Equipment Required |
A Knight's Tale | Steve Beard | piecepack |
Activator | Michael Schoessow | single standard piecepack, PiecepackPyramids |
Adultery | S. Deniz Bucak | standard piecepack, pawn saucers or belts |
Ahoy, Matey | Steve Beard | piecepack |
AlienCity | Michael Schoessow | piecepack, Icehouse set |
Alquerque | Traditional / Jessica Eccles | standard piecepack, gameboard from rules |
ArmyBrats | DonKirkby and AlanPrice | piecepack |
Backgammon | Traditional, adapted by TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
Bagh Chal | Traditional / Jessica Eccles | standard piecepack, gameboard from rules |
Baseball | Jim Doherty | one standard piecepack, deck of playing cards (no joker), playmats from rules |
Berlin | EricWitt | single standard piecepack; opaque bag is optional for variant 1 |
Bid | IanSchreiber and JebHavens | piecepack, pen and paper |
BingoBattle | MartinWillett | single standard piecepack |
BlackPawnTrucking | Phillip Lerche | single standard piecepack, cup or bag and playmat from rules |
BlackThursday | ClarkRodeffer | standard piecepack, opaque bag |
Blockade | DavidBoyle, James Kyle, ChrisYoung | one standard piecepack |
BloodDiamonds | ClarkRodeffer | SixPack, opaque bag, play aids from rules |
BrainBurn | Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
Burbuja | Antonio Recuenco Muñoz | One standard Piecepack |
CardinalsGuards | Michael Schoessow and Stephen Schoessow | single standard piecepack, cup or bag, paper and pencil |
Carroms | Traditional / Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
CastleCroquetnole | RonHaleEvans, based on a game by Lewis Carroll | One piecepack and card table or custom board |
Castles | SantiagoEximeno | single standard piecepack |
CellManagement | MarkGoadrich | single standard piecepack |
Chameleon | MichaelSchoessow and StephenSchoessow | 1 standard piecepack (with pawn saucers) plus 1 FourSeasonsExpansion |
ChangeChange | Sid Sackson, adapted by RonHaleEvans | 11 piecepack coins |
ChaosCruisers | PaulElliot | single standard piecepack, paper and pencil |
Chariots | Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
Chaturaji | Traditional, adapted by TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
Checkers | Traditional, adapted for the piecepack by Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
CheminMontagneux | MitchellAllen | single standard piecepack |
Chess | Traditional adapted by RonHaleEvans | single standard piecepack, 8 pennies and 8 dimes |
ChineseCheckers | Traditional, adapted for the piecepack by Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
ChoosySushi | EricWitt | single standard piecepack, paper and pencil |
CityCouncil | Phillip Lerche, Michael Schoessow, and Stephen Schoessow | one standard piecepack, 50 pennies, one City Grid (combine 4 copies of the 7x7 grid at the end of the rules), one Turn Order/Action sheet (print out), 3-4 Player Aid sheets (print out 1 per player), pencil(s) and paper for scoring, and clear tape |
CityPlanning | Brad Johnson | single standard piecepack, Go board and stones, bag, paper and pencil |
Clear | David Hassell | one standard piecepack per player, cup or bag, paper and pencil |
ClimbingMan | JorgeArroyo | single standard piecepack (2 piecepacks and a 30s sand clock for the 2 player variant) |
Codes | Roger Meertens | one piecepack, an opaque bag, a pen, paper for each player and a playing screen or a large book. |
CoinCollectors | DonKirkby | 1 piecepack |
Colonization | Ken Leyhe | piecepack |
ConsensusFantasy | ChrisEngle and RonHaleEvans | 1 or more piecepacks |
Conspiracy | Brad Johnson | single standard piecepack, bag, paper and pencil, optional board |
CoyoteMoon | Robert Mundschau | cup or bag |
CreamOfTheCrop | DonKirkby and Jay Cormier | standard piecepack |
Cribbage | Traditional (Sir John Suckling), adapted by TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack and one deck of playing cards |
CrocodileHop | Tim Schutz | Single standard piecepack |
CroquetForPiecepack | DanSmith | standard piecepack |
CultureWars | GeorgeHarnish | 1 basic PiecePack set and 36 tokens per player |
Decay | Robert Mundschau and MattHeistad | single standard piecepack |
Deduction | Mark A. Biggar | one standard piecepack, cup or bag, paper and pencil for each player |
DelegateDash | ChrystalOverby and GlennOverby | piecepack |
Desfases | Antonio Recuenco Muñoz | One standard Piecepack |
Diplomats | R. Wayne Schmittberger | standard piecepack |
DivorcedBeheadedDiedDivorcedBeheadedSurvived | EricWitt | single standard piecepack, paper and pencil, scorecard |
Dominoids | Brad Johnson | single standard piecepack, double-6 domino set |
DragonsHoard | Ken Leyhe | single standard piecepack, IceHouse, 2 cups or bags |
DualPiecepacksPoker | TrevorLDavis | 8 unique piecepack suits |
DungeonBuilders | JorgeArroyo | single standard piecepack (one suit per player) |
DungeonCrawl | James Kyle and PaulShope | One standard piecepack |
EasySlider | RANDM Axes Games (RonHaleEvans and Marty Hale-Evans) | one piecepack per player, an opaque bag, and a smooth, flat surface |
ElephantRun | JimAdams and AmyEnge | piecepack |
EpicFunhouse | RonHaleEvans and Marty Hale-Evans | one standard piecepack |
Evade | Alex Randolph, adapted for the piecepack by Mark A. Biggar | One standard piecepack |
Everest | Mark A. Biggar | one standard piecepack |
FairyLights | Jessica Eccles | one standard piecepack |
FourBlindMice | TimFarley | single standard piecepack, 1 min timer |
FourFieldKono | Traditional adapted by Michael Schoessow | single standard piecepack |
FroggyBottom | Clay Blankenship | Piecepack |
FrostBitten | Steve Beard | standard piecepack |
Fuji-san | James Kyle | single standard piecepack |
GalaxyExpress | Matt Worden | single standard piecepack |
Glob | Antonio Recuenco Muñoz | One standard Piecepack |
GlobalWarming | Mark A. Biggar, Aron Wall & Gloria Wall | single standard piecepack, cup or bag |
GlobularCluster | MichaelSchoessow and StephenSchoessow | 2 standard piecepacks including pawn saucers, approx. 100 pennies, pencil and paper |
GoldRush | SethJaffee and JasonSmulevitch | piecepack, 8 gaming stones in a color for each player, poker chips in red, black, and yellow and blank business cards cut in half |
GoodsFromCapeToCairo | Phillip Lerche | a printout of the playmat from the end of these rules for each player, 3 generic markers per player (for example: 12 pennies works fine for a 4 player game) (1 PlayingCardsExpansion suggested but not needed) |
HangingGardens | James Kyle | One piecepack |
HostileTakeover | AvarisClari | one piecepack, four d12's, 50 smaller tokens and 25 larger tokens in five colors |
HumanHarvest | ToddKrause | standard piecepack, coins |
Iceberg | Ken Leyhe | piecepack |
IceFloe | Tim Schutz | standard piecepack, one set of PiecepackPyramids, one candle, paper and pen |
Incorporated | S. Deniz Bucak | standard piecepack |
InterstellarConquest | Ken Leyhe | Piecepack Expanded or IceHouse, cup or bag |
It's a Weird, Weird Galaxy | JimAdams and AmyEnge | piecepack, piecepack expansion (either seasons or cards), twelve unique counters for each player (twelve pennies, twelve nickels, etc.), scratch paper (or form found in appendix), pencil |
Japan | DanielAjoy and Fernanda Ausay | 1 piecepack, two double 6 dominoes sets in different (Piecepack) colors |
JokersAndCoins | Adaptation of a public domain game for piecepack by CraigBlumer | 3 standard decks of cards (with 6 Jokers), 1 standard piecepack (for 2–4 players) or 2 piecepacks (for 5–6) |
JulGonu | Traditional adapted by Michael Schoessow | single standard piecepack |
K'Dak's Tower of Confusion and Camel Carwash | JimAdams and AmyEnge | piecepack |
KidSproutJumboree | RonHaleEvans and Marty Hale-Evans | single piecepack, pen or pencil, and paper. A calculator might help too. |
King's Cottage | JonathanDietrich | one piecepack, an opaque bag , paper, a pen or pencil, optional score sheet from rules |
KingArthursCourt | Phillip Lerche | single standard piecepack |
KingdomsoftheMiddleSea | Phillip Lerche | single standard piecepack, box of matches, 50 tokens |
KingOfNewTokyo | Don Riddle | one piecepack, four eight-sided dice or pen and paper |
KingsProgress | Phillip Lerche | single standard piecepack, paper and pencil |
KnightsTourRedux | Ken Leyhe | piecepack |
LabRats | Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
Landlocked | EricWitt | single standard piecepack |
Landrush | Ken Leyhe | piecepack, bag, IceHouse |
LeyLines | James Kyle | single standard piecepack, double-6 domino set, paper and pencil |
LiquidCrystals | Tim Schutz | Piecepack, PiecepackMatchsticks expansion, paper & pencil |
Ludo | Traditional adapted by TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
Lukawan | RobertIevers | one standard piecepack |
MagicMids | Ken Leyhe | piecepack, IceHouse |
Magistratvm | Brad Johnson & Phillip Lerche | 20 small tokens in each of the player colors; print out of the play mat; about $2 in small change for money |
Mancala | Traditional adapted by MesomorphGames | 2 standard piecepacks |
Manipulation | Adam B. Norberg | single standard piecepack, paper and pencil |
Martian Miners | Roger Meertens | 1 piecepack set, 1 icehouse stash (of different colour) per player, 4 six-sided dice per player and an opaque bag |
MartianTreasureHunt | Ken Leyhe | piecepack, IceHouse |
Matches | James Kyle | one standard piecepack |
Mathrix | ClarkRodeffer | standard piecepack |
Matrix | Jeff Barrett | single standard piecepack, several tokens |
Mazegarden | Ferdinand Hein, adapted by Roger Meertens | two piecepack sets |
MazeMakers | JorgeArroyo | single standard piecepack and pentominoes set (optional rules are included to play without it) |
Men Overboard | Paul Hastings (paul, at SPAMhastings, dot org, without the spam) (with some suggestions by Larry Hastings) | Requires one original piecepack set, and one additional set (the suits are irrelevant) |
MisMemory | Antonio Recuenco Muñoz | One standard Piecepack |
MotoX | James Kyle and PaulShope | one standard piecepack |
Multzo | GlennOverby | single standard piecepack |
New City | Rob LeGood | coins for Gold |
NineBall | Traditional, adapted by Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
NineMensMorris | Traditional / Dan Burkey and TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
OneManThrag | Jim Doherty | single standard piecepack |
Owlman | JamesVipond, Andrew Perkis | standard piecepack, with checkered tile backs and some way to track Doc's 49 moves |
PackKub | Mark A. Biggar | a standard piecepack per player or a SixPack per two player's |
PackSolitaire | David Hassell | 2 standard piecepacks, cup or bag |
Palazzo | Phillip Lerche | single standard piecepack, paper and pencil, bag or cup |
PaloLargo | Antonio Recuenco Muñoz | One standard Piecepack, one set of Piecepack Matchsticks |
PassTheFood | TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
PawnsCrossing | Michael Schoessow | single piecepack, single set of double-six dominoes |
PenguinGame | JonathanDietrich | Piecepack, cup or bag |
PettyFiefs | ClarkRodeffer | two piecepack suits per player, one additional piecepack suit |
PharaohsHeir | Phillip Lerche | 2 piecepacks (1 'pack for 2- or 3-player game), 2 different types of tokens (like pennies or matches), optional playmats and score sheet |
PieceChisi | Traditional / PaulGilmore | Standard Piecepack, 16 pawns/markers (4 each of 4 colors) |
PieceGaps | Chris Brooks | single standard piecepack |
PiecepackAtWaterloo | SethOwen | one piecepack and four small coins |
PiecepackConquersTheWorld | GeorgeHarnish | two piecepacks and colored stones (or tokens) for each player |
PiecepackCooking | JorgeArroyo (based on Zendo by Kory Heath) | 1 piecepack set for every 4 students |
PiecepackDodgem | Traditional adapted by Michael Schoessow | single standard piecepack |
PiecepackFanTan | Steve Beard | standard piecepack, paper and pencil or score sheet, cup |
PiecepackHyena | Steve Beard | standard piecepack |
PiecePackingPirates | ClarkRodeffer | standard piecepack, opaque bag, play mat, optional reference sheet |
PiecepackKlondike | Traditional, adapted by EricWitt | single standard piecepack |
PiecepackLetterbox | RonHaleEvans | standard piecepack; 4 Seasons Expansion; plenty of blank index cards or slips of paper (all of the same size, shape, and color); enough pens or pencils for all players |
Piecepackman | Dan Burkey, Inspired by the video game Pac-Man, designed for Namco by Toru Iwatani. | piecepack, PiecepackMatchsticks |
PiecepackPlayset | RonHaleEvans | standard piecepack |
PiecepackSeabattle | ChristophHaeberling | standard piecepack |
PiecepackYahtzee | Adapted by Roger Meertens | two piecepacks or one piecepack and a standard (non-piecepack) dice, a pen and a scoresheet (included) |
Pirates of Van Zandt | AndyVanZandt, | one standard piecepack |
Pisi | Corné van Moorsel, adapted by Roger Meertens | two different piecepack sets and some counters |
PlansOfAction | Edward Pulley | single standard piecepack |
PowerLines | DavidBoyle | one standard piecepack |
Ppolf | George Sappenfield, adapted for the piecepack by Mark A. Biggar | one standard piecepack, score sheet from rules and optional items for use as obstacles |
Proximity | John Wetmiller | single standard piecepack, paper and pencil, chess clock |
Pub sCrawl | JonathanDietrich | standard piecepack, paper and pencil |
Quatri | Traditional adapted by Michael Schoessow | single standard piecepack |
Quikopoly | Jacob Steinberger-Parkes | one standard piecepack |
Racepack | Michael Schoessow and Stephen Schoessow | 1 piecepack per 4 players |
Reflec | Adam B. Norberg | piecepack |
Relativity | Marty Hale-Evans and RonHaleEvans | standard piecepack |
Remembory aka Piecepack Memory | Traditional, adapted for the piecepack by Roger Meertens | one piecepack coins and an opaque bag (optional) |
Reversi | Traditional adapted by MesomorphGames | 2 or 3 piecepacks |
RoyalRacers | RobertKouba | single piecepack and deck of cards |
RummyRunners | NathanMorse | Hexpack or piecepack, MystiqueDeck |
SailboatRegatta | ClarkRodeffer | standard piecepack |
Sailing Port Flower | Roger Meertens | one piecepack and one FourSeasonsExpansion |
SanAndreas | James Kyle | single standard piecepack |
Sarcophagus | Phillip Lerche | 1 piecepack |
Scavenge le | Ken Leyhe | Piecepack Expanded, Icehouse |
ScavengerHunt | Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
ScavengerHuntTwo | BradLackey | eight distinct piecepack suits |
Senat | Traditional / CraigBlumer | one standard piecepack |
Senat-Ur | Ken Leyhe | Piecepack Expanded |
ShamanIsland | RandyCox and JasonTrotten | piecepack |
SharkTank | Richard Durham | One standard piecepack |
Sheep | PeteJones , | Piecepack and Playing Card Expansion |
Ship It | StephenSchoessow and MichaelSchoessow | 1 standard piecepack and 1 set of standard 2”x1” double-6 dominoes |
Shogi | TrevorLDavis | two piecepacks |
ShoppingMall | MichaelSchoessow and StephenSchoessow | standard piecepack, pawn saucers, 3 nickels, 25 pennies, paper & pencil for each player |
Shove piecepack | Steve Beard from Traditional | piecepack |
SiegeByNumber | Matt Worden | single standard piecepack |
SilverIsle | James Kyle | single standard piecepack, 24 stackable tokens |
Sin Color | Antonio Recuenco Muñoz | One standard piecepack |
Skyscrapers | Michael Schoessow | single standard piecepack, cup or bag |
SlidesOfAction | ClarkRodeffer | standard piecepack |
SnowmanMeltdown | RonHaleEvans and Marty Hale-Evans | piecepack, and either an Icehouse set, or two sets of PiecepackPyramids |
Soccer | James Kyle | one standard piecepack |
SoloSalvo | Traditional adapted by EricWitt | single standard piecepack, 1 coin suitable for flipping |
Sonic Bio-Mutants in Space | JonathanDietrich | standard piecepack, a bag, paper and pencil |
SorcerersChamber | Tim Schutz | single standard piecepack plus matching PiecepackPyramids |
SpaceTraders | JorgeArroyo | single standard piecepack plus printable Turn Sheet and optional printable play aids. |
Spam-O-Rama | ClarkRodeffer | 12 different piecepack suits, play aids from rules |
SpeedyTowers | Jessica Eccles | at least 1 standard piecepack for every 2 players |
StackedDeckWar | EricWitt | One standard piecepack and one PlayingCardsExpansion |
StageFive | ChazCampos | 1 standard piecepack |
StarshipAttack | Jordan Schmick | Standard Piecepack |
Steppin' Stones | Ken Maher | one piecepack |
StraToGo | Jacob Steinberger-Parkes | one standard piecepack |
TabletopBocce | Traditional, adapted for the piecepack by Mark A. Biggar | one standard piecepack |
TabletopCroquet | Traditional, adapted for the piecepack by Mark A. Biggar | one standard piecepack |
Tablut | Traditional adapted by TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
TAG | Ken Leyhe | Piecepack Expanded |
Take Off, Eh | ClarkRodeffer | piecepack, FourSeasonsExpansion |
Takeover | James Kyle and ChrisYoung | one standard piecepack |
Tapas | Antonio Recuenco Muñoz | One standard Piecepack |
Tariffs | JonathanDietrich | a single piecepack set, double 6 dominoes |
Taxicab | Mark A. Biggar | one standard piecepack, bag or cup, 150 tokens, optional board |
Telic | Michael Schoessow | single piecepack and piecepack pyramids |
TempleOfGold | JorgeArroyo | standard piecepack, 4 seasons set, 10-20 coins, beads, or other markers in three colors (or pen and paper) |
TenBlankWhitePieceagories | JenniferLevenbook | pen, paper, timer |
The Magic Bag | Rob LeGood | single standard piecepack, cup or bag, playmat |
TheColonistsOfNatick | GaryPressler | One standard piecepack |
TheFallacyOfRank | Keith Lacey, Will Schneerberger and Joshua Tempkin | 3 piecepacks (2 players can get by with 2 piecepacks, using two suits each, but 3 is preferred. |
TheInCrowd | JebHavens and IanSchreiber | one standard piecepack |
TheMartianAssassinationGame | Ken Leyhe | single standard piecepack, 1 Icehouse stash per player |
ThePiecePackPokerPartyParade | EricWitt | two standard piecepacks if more then 8 players, 1d6, paper and pencil |
TheRoyalFeastAndTheCourtJester | SeanAnthonyBrady | standard piecepack, plus 4-6 additional piecepack tiles |
TheWanderingMerchant | JorgeArroyo | 1 piecepack set, the 4 seasons expansion, pen and paper to track money, a cup or bag to draw coins randomly and some tokens (glass beads) for more than 3 player games |
TileThirteen | RonHaleEvans | One piecepack per player, one extra piecepack, and pen and paper to keep score |
Tingle | Chris Goodwin | 1 piecepack; one set of piecepack pyramids or other tokens per player |
ToPieces | ChrisSakkas | single standard piecepack, objective cards, four colours of tokens (blue, yellow, red, black) |
Tornado vs. Trailer Park | Steve Beard | piecepack |
TowerOfBabel | Traditional, adapted for the piecepack by Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
Tracers | Marty Hale-Evans | one standard piecepack, three colors of stones (or crayons/wipe-off markers) |
TradeRoutes | Andy Van Zandt | One standard piecepack |
Triactor | JonathanDietrich, JulieTaylor, KenMacKeigan | 8 unique piecepack suits, paper, pencils, optional playmat, optional cash or tokens, optional timer |
TribesOfTheFourSeasons | Phillip Lerche | FourSeasonsExpansion |
Trivial Piecepack | JamesVipond | one piecepack, one FourSeasonsExpansion, some printed questions in six color-coded categories |
Tula | James Kyle | single standard piecepack |
TulaVariants | Tim Schutz | one or two piecepacks and the rule sheet for Tula |
TwelveMensMorris | Traditional / Dan Burkey and TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
Venice | Søren Busch-Knudsen & Jesper Sommer | 2 Piecepacks |
VirusFight | JorgeArroyo | single standard piecepack (2 piecepacks for a 3-4 player game) |
War | Traditional adapted by MesomorphGames | single standard piecepack |
WelcomeToGem | SeanAnthonyBrady | standard piecepack; 60 glass beads, pennies, poker chips or other markers; four printed player boards (included) |
which coin | Tim Schutz | one piecepack |
WhirlpoolPond | Tim Schutz | single standard piecepack |
WindFarms | Phillip Lerche | 1 piecepack, pen & paper for scoring |
WormDerby | Mark A. Biggar | single standard piecepack |
Wormholes | Marty Hale-Evans and RonHaleEvans | one piecepack |
Xiangqi | Traditional, adapted by TrevorLDavis | one standard piecepack |
Zeppelinopolis | Dan Burkey | Piecepack, PiecepackMatchsticks expansion |
ZombieInMyPiecepack | DanBeauchamp, based on a game by JeremiahLee; edited by RonHaleEvans | one standard piecepack and a bit of imagination |